Cemetery Flower and Decoration Regulations

All cemeteries are intended to be a place of rest and repose, a quiet place for prayer and reflection. We want Calvary Cemetery to be that sanctuary for you and your loved ones. Nationally, many Catholic and non-Catholic cemeteries now only allow flower decorations. Below are approved decorations that are welcome in Calvary Cemetery:

  • Flowers (real or artificial) saddles, easels, cones or flower baskets are welcome. Planted items or edging of any kind is not allowed.  Any damaged decorations should be removed.
  • Shepard hooks (hook must curve toward pole) or small flags must be placed right next to stone on either side, to the right or left for purposes of mowing. 
  • Christmas decorations are encouraged after Thanksgiving. Grave blankets and pillows may be placed (without pinning) on graves that have not been seeded or sodded during the past year.  Christmas blankets, pillows and wreaths, along with other Christmas decorations will be removed beginning the second week of January.
  • Please refrain from placing sentimental or valuable items at grave. These items can go missing due to high winds as well as possible theft due to the grounds being open to the public. Calvary Cemetery cannot be held responsible for missing items. Breakable/glass or alcoholic items are not permitted as they pose a safety hazard to staff and visitors.
  • As of May 1st, 2019, Calvary Cemetery in Springfield, Illi­nois will no longer sell bushes or allow bushes to be planted in the cemetery. The existing bushes will be slowly and systematically removed. This decision by the cemetery board was made due to the increasing prob­lems that the bushes are causing in regard to monu­ments, burials, mowing and cost of maintenance. We regret having to make this difficult decision, but in the interest of continuing to provide the best ongoing care and maintenance of the final resting place of our de­parted loved ones, Calvary Cemetery feels this is neces­sary. Thank you for your understanding!